... As a programmer myself, I asked Tim if he was using some special port or something and he said not that he knows of.
As a programmer yourself, you'd probably shake your head at how the networking was written. While using a port registered as used by something else it is not as far as I know (it used to be), there are still other issues that can cause problems.
There's a few things that can be tried, and as a programmer yourself I'm going to assume (dangerous I know) that you'll be able to interpret the results of any tests you make.
Firstly, if your using wireless try using a wired connection. There has been an issue that I couldn't solve at the time where on wireless the destination IP address for RPA ended up being the same as the source IP address, which of course resulted in the router simply sending RPA's outgoing packets back to itself!
Secondly, if it isn't already, make sure the network adapter for Parallels is in bridged mode; RPA doesn't particularly like PAT (Port Address Translation) so this usually does this trick.
If that doesn't work then you'll probably have to run some other tests. A couple of good, free, don't need to install programs for testing on the Windows side are:
Current Ports:
https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/live_tcp_udp_watch.htmlWith those what you are looking for is if RPA has the local port of 4608. The destination port is also 4608 (shaking your head now?) and the destination IP is . LiveTcpUdpWatch is probably the better one, start it and then start RPA.
If you don't get anything useful out of that then you'll need to go down a harder road and watch what's going through the network adapters themselves with something like WireShark. I don't know if they have anything like that for Mac though.
- Tim (no, not that Tim)