Author Topic: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator  (Read 48399 times)


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Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« on: January 30, 2024, 01:32:28 PM »
I've got questions.....
I used HC Simulator (HCS) in combination with RailPro Assistant (RPA) to upload a custom loco image I made for my new ATSF GP38 #3501.
Using the HCS, I was able to acquire the new LM-3S installed in the my ATSF GP38 and successfully change the image from the stock RE blue loco image to my custom ATSF #3501 image.
Then I closed the HC Simulator on my computer and turned on one of my HC-2B's. It found the new LM-3S GP38 but showed the stock RE blue loco image. So, I then selected "locomotive Setup" and tapped on the stock RE blue loco image. Then, I've had both of the following happen (because I tried multiple times):
A) It listed both "RE Loco" and "3501 ATSF GP38 c/f". I selected the ATSF GP38 and it said "please wait" and finished what it was doing, but the image/icon did not change/update.
B) After selecting "3501 ATSF GP38 c/f" from the list it comes back and says, "File not local!".

I thought that once the custom loco file was saved/uploaded to the LM-3S that whenever any HC-2B subsequently discovered it for the first time that all of the custom files (image, sound, lights, etc.) were transferred/displayed/shown on that HC-2B?

I even tried "Remove Product" from that HC-2B and then re-acquiring it. That made no difference.

What am I missing?
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."

William Brillinger

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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2024, 01:38:26 PM »
Iirc, the images need to be loaded on the HC as well. If you copy the image from the RPA to actual HC, I think you will find it works.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2024, 03:25:16 PM »
Thanks Bill - that was the ticket!
I view that as a short-coming. If I have a fleet of HC's then every time I add a new loco I have to upload the new file to each HC one at a time, acquire the loco with each and every HC, and then update the pic on each and every HC.
Oh well....
« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 03:26:51 PM by Espeelark »
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."


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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2024, 04:51:56 PM »
I have three HCs. Two behaved as described above wherein I had to upload the picture file to each HC to update the displayed icon for the new ATSF loco.
With the third HC, when I selected "Find Product", it did and the custom ATSF GP38 icon displayed right off the bat!

The only difference between the first two HCs and the third on is that the first two were on s'ware version 2.26 whereas the third was on version 2.29.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 09:09:13 PM by Espeelark »
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."

William Brillinger

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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2024, 09:07:37 PM »
I'm pretty sure the early version of the HC software managed the photos properly and somewhere along the way that ceased.
Sounds like it was solved in 2.29 then. Glad to hear it.

Another reason to keep your your HC's  up to date!
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2024, 09:15:41 PM »
If you have a locomotive saved on a HC with the stock RE image, and then update the LM picture on another HC, the quickest way to update on the first HC is to erase the locomotive from the HC (remove product).  Then reacquire the locomotive (find product).  It will now save with the updated picture.

File settings and pictures are saved locally to the LM.  When acquiring a locomotive with a new picture, the picture is copied from the LM to the HC when the product is found.


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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2024, 09:44:42 PM »
KPack said, "When acquiring a locomotive with a new picture, the picture is copied from the LM to the HC when the product is found."

KPack - That did NOT happen with my first two HC's. I had to load the image to each of those HC's. later determined that they were only at s'ware rev 2.26.
However, what you described DID happen on my 3rd HC which was at s'ware rev 2.29.

The only conclusion I can draw here its that s'ware rev 2.26 has a glitch in it w/respect to receiving the picture from an LM the first time it finds it.
Espeelark (Paul Mac)
Modeling the SP in Ohio
"Bad is never good until worse happens...."


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Re: Uploading Loco photos through HC Simulator
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2024, 11:55:46 PM »
You're probably right.  I didn't catch that glitch in 2.26 because by that time all my locomotives had already been loaded.  But like Bill I'm glad to hear that it was resolved in 2.29.

It's good for people to know how it's supposed to operate, so hopefully your experience helps someone else avoid the same issue.
