Good idea as I thought about that switch machine but, and it is a big but, all of my wiring is on top of my layout, not one wire or anything else is under the table, nada, zilch, nothing except the wood frame and most likely I'll never have a need to look at it again.. I use two inch pink foam on top of a wood frame and I have cut trenches where wire must go and then covered it with scenery. I hide other things like the new MP-1 in buildings and some of the RP items there too. Hey it works for me and my body really likes that for no bending over or bumping my head and that does hurt or at least it used too. Ever find a nail or a screw the hard way?
So now since I have my hands on some MP-1s and they are easy to hide on top of my layout plus they really do work great, I am going to find who has the new MP-5s.
Anyone have a clue?
The old fardt in Oregon, Darryl