Author Topic: Time to list items and say goodbye DCC  (Read 8615 times)


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Time to list items and say goodbye DCC
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:55:26 PM »

 Hi fellows

  I think it is about time to peddle on eBay all of the unwanted items that are of no use with RailPro. Complete MRC DCC wireless system, Decoders some with Sound, Frog Juicers along with other Tam Valley items, twin coil and slow motor switch machines. Various toggles and push buttons. I might be able to post some tonight or at least get the some pictures done.  Not a chore I relish but has to be done sooner than later.  On the bright side, more cash for my next order as I am using up what I have on hand and will be needing more. Don't we all?

 Just started with using Miller Electronic Sign set controlled by the AM-1S. By all accounts it should work just fine. Still haven't smoked anything up yet !

  Happy training y'all,   Darryl in Ory-Gun


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Re: Time to list items and say goodbye DCC
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 08:53:16 PM »
 Okay here is a follow up on my tracks to phun. 

 Already sold a little on eBay, "Buy it Now", feature and hopefully there will be bids on the other items but I have so many things to list, it will most likely take until the end of the month to find new homes for all my goodies to be sold on eBay. Probably the hardest to sell might be the crate full of Tru-Scale track, switches and crossings that have never been used. As I get ready with something to list I find something else !  How about an original factory box of 12 Micro-trains N scale clear plastic freightcar containers. "And the road goes on forever".

 While I go along, I am making a list for more RailPro items to purchase.

 I did get the Miller Engineering Billboard to work on AM-1S. The LED's for lighting up the buildings are a hoot. Sure is a good learning experience tho.

 I have to be doing something right as in the past, I did smoke up a few of my endeavors. I never was fond of burnt enamel.

 Anyone finding new things using RailPro?

 Enuff babble, cheers all..  Darryl way out West


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Re: Time to list items and say goodbye DCC
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2016, 07:25:27 PM »

 Looks like I can salvage instead of taking a loss on eBay, a brand new Tam Valley DCC Accessory-Track booster and I have the power supply to power the booster. The specs are fairly close to RP power supply. But of course the handheld can not talk to it but then that is not a big deal.

 Almost time to order some more RP goodies. I think I'll need for now, one AM-1 and one AM-1S. (That has been done.)

 I ordered more of those new fangled MP-1 switch machines but since the fellow that sells them has them coming in later this month, I kind of need the time to catch up with other chores anyway.

 Cheers from Ory-Gun, Darryl
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 11:00:30 PM by darryl.trains »


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Re: Time to list items and say goodbye DCC
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2016, 08:25:19 PM »
 Howdy fellows,

 Part 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 or somewhere along there. I have sold a number of related DCC items plus some odds and ends on eBay so far and have some listed right now on eBay with lot more to go.  The interesting part? I really don't miss any of those items sold, not at all.
 Funny, at the post office they don't bother to ask me if any thing hazardous or the like as I have been giving them the same answer, no just electronics.
 On the brighter side, found a few items I had forgot I even had so now I'm looking for anything else that is been waiting for me to find it's hiding place.  "And the road goes on forever"

 Happy training and see you along the tracks, Darryl.