Author Topic: Installation of LM-3S Kato GP35  (Read 12739 times)


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Installation of LM-3S Kato GP35
« on: August 06, 2017, 08:45:30 PM »
This has been the easiest install yet. I started with A Kato GP35 phase 1C w/DB DCC ready and found the removing the shell was quick as all that needed to be done, take off the screw holding the coupler and pocket on each end, then a little squeeze of the shell gently pulling it off. I removed the two all metal jumpers on the DCC board socket and inserted LM-3S with the nine pin adapter. I thought that was pretty easy. Just as it was, I placed the engine on my track. Fired up the RP system and the hand held picked up the module right away. I tested the engine and everything was rather nifty, forward-reverse, front and rear lights were fine, sound for the horn plus the bell worked. I was kind of surprised how quickly it was going so far. A little bit of wrapping of loose wiring but then I found I had to remove the weight in the roof of the cab and that was about it, one screw, out came the weight. I will try later on and cut the factory weight into smaller pieces as there is some room in the cab just not enough room for that big chunk of metal. I have a mate, same model, make, different road number to finish tonight. Gee now this getting to be a lot of fun. If only the non belivers knew? 

 I will be taking my RP system to the next gathering and let the gang see what I have enjoying all along. We have re-built our club layout but still a lot to be done. There is plenty of track laid to make a good showing tho.

 Cheers, Darryl