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New install issues

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I Had my HC repaired and I had a eyebolt installed for a landyard since it was there.
 I can't remember exactly how long but I think it was closer to 3 weeks.
$25.00 for the eyebolt since the controller was open.... but $35.00 if you just send it in for the Eyebolt for the lanyard.
Kind of expensive either way but I read where Ring dosen't recommend taking apart the controller for callibration issues... But I remember a preivious post from Bill installing his own eyebolt without a problem.
I"m a little afraid of opening up a $250.00 plus controller with my lack of knowledge on this thing but hey... that's how you learn. Your call if you want to install an eyebolt for a landyard.
By the way... I had dropped my controller seveal times in my basement and that is why I had to send it in to be repaired. Haven't dropped it since the landyard.

What is the difference between the Blue Label and the Grey Label HC2? Is one newer?

William Brillinger:
The Blue Label HC-2B is the current production version

It has has more memory than the Grey Label HC-2 along with a redesigned circuit board. the board was redesigned due to changes in availability of some components that were used in the original HC-2 along with some efficiency improvements and the addition of USB based charging. The original HC and HC-2 use a separate connector for charging.

Got an email from Ring and they repaired my HC saying only that it was a manufacturing defect. They offered me an LM3S for $50 as compensation for my troubles. Basically it covers my shipping cost and I now have a refurbed HC ::) 

Take the LM-3S!  You can never have enough modules.



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