Author Topic: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released  (Read 80024 times)


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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2019, 08:59:48 AM »
Today's Update: HC-2b #1 is still dead. It sat on the charger for over 24 hours with no joy. I tried the reset button. I also tried holding down the reset button for a count of ten, still nothing.

What's next?

The reset button needs to be held in for an hour while on the charger. You can accomplish this with a short piece of tooth pick place under the HC making a 'half shelter' type of rig.

Somewhat related, this isn't supposed to be necessary with the newer hardware but it is. I got both of my HC-2's out which both have SW1021 2.06 installed. One showed a full red battery bar and the other one was dead. I left them charging overnight with no change. I had to do the one hour reset procedure to get them both back. I don't think the 'dead sleep' software is right on these yet.
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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William Brillinger

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2019, 09:10:54 AM »
Dang, Tim didn't suggest this for Ian's HC. It's on it's way in to Ring Right now. :(
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2019, 09:23:02 AM »
Dang, Tim didn't suggest this for Ian's HC. It's on it's way in to Ring Right now. :(

I had to dig and find it. This technique was in an email from Tim back in 2015. Here's the text:

You might have a HC with the original software.  If that is the case you will need to do the following.

The reset button needs to be held in for up to an hour.  The way to accomplish this is like in the picture below.  You can cut off a toothpick to the length in the picture below and insert it in the reset hole.  Then gently press the handheld down until you hear or feel the reset button move.  It moves very little about 1/32 of an inch.  Please do not press too hard because you can damage the reset button.  Then leave the HC charging for an hour then remove the tooth pick (charger still plugged in).  The screen should light up and say charging.  It will not fully charge from a rest.  So after you use it a few minutes you will need to charge it again. After that it should be working as usual.  After it is charging and running a long time on a charge, then update the software to prevent this from happening in the future even if the batteries become very depleted.

Why this worked with my newer software (2.06) is beyond me but it did fix both of my different issues.
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2020, 11:16:14 AM »
Well, a brief followup.

We're hosting a small Free-mo setup in January and my friend Kevin got his HC-2 out to get some locos ready and his HC is dead. He followed all the steps and nothing. Tim said it's probably a dead battery and it's going back. 

So, I offered to loan one of my two and he accepted. I got them out last night to charge and one is dead and one is alive. Frustrating.

2 out of our 3 HC's are dead right before a setup.
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2020, 11:26:47 AM »
When was the last time you turned the HC's on or charged them?  I haven't had much time to run trains myself, but I turn them on occasionally and put the HC's on the chargers monthly. 

You could just pop the back and replace the batteries yourself, if you're so inclined.  Ring would disapprove for sure.  But as long as they are replaced with the same size and type battery, I don't see how there could be any harm.



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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2020, 11:39:23 AM »
When was the last time you turned the HC's on or charged them?  I haven't had much time to run trains myself, but I turn them on occasionally and put the HC's on the chargers monthly. 

You could just pop the back and replace the batteries yourself, if you're so inclined.  Ring would disapprove for sure.  But as long as they are replaced with the same size and type battery, I don't see how there could be any harm.


It's been several months and possibly more.

Aren't the batteries AA rechargeable? I haven't been inside the case in awhile.
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2020, 12:01:36 PM »
Yes, 4 AA rechargeable.  There's a picture floating around here somewhere on this site of the inside of the controller.  It was discussed whether larger capacity batteries could be used, but Ring was very against that idea (and highly discouraged opening the case altogether).  Opening the case will basically void any warranty you might have.  However, it's definitely doable.  Lee installed neck straps on all his controllers, and that requires taking the case apart to install the eyelet.  I've taken one of my controllers apart as well.

Two things to keep in mind.  If you do replace the batteries, make sure to get ones that are the same MAh as the old.  Second, there are four milled metal spacers that hold the boards in place inside the case.  They are held in place by friction once the case is put together.  They are kind of a pain to get lined up and keep them in place while the case goes back together.  Once the screws are back in your are fine.



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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2020, 06:16:53 PM »
Thanks Kevin. I've had them both apart (my two HC-2's) to install the lanyard rings but couldn't recall the number of batteries.

Both of my HC-2's are now alive. I did the long reset on the second one and it's back. I'm partitioning my Mac now and will spend this evening installing Win 10 and RPA and getting my HC's up to date.
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2020, 06:31:30 PM »
Nicely done Jacob.  Working with Mac's can be a pain....all my buddies in dental school with Mac's had to partition their drives in order to run any of the dental software.  Everything is Windows based.  But at least Apple lets you partition and run Boot Camp.  Otherwise you'd be really limited on what programs you have access to.

Good luck with the updating and let us know how everything performs when you run.  I can't recall if you have keep-alives installed in your locos or not.  Hopefully you do because it will make for a really nice run.



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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2020, 08:55:25 PM »
Yes, 4 AA rechargeable.  There's a picture floating around here somewhere on this site of the inside of the controller.

Slight correction, 3 x AA batteries, not 4.

Funnily enough I was looking at those threads the other day (my HC-2 soon needs new batteries, they are 6 years or so years old and I won't be sending it back for the change out).

There was two threads about this. First thread (,24.0.html) had pictures and some battery size discussion. Unfortunately the pictures of the battery compartment side of the circuit board were external links which the pics are now dead links. Second thread (,170.0.html) no pics but more battery discussion.

The take from the threads is that Ring uses a variety of battery capacities, most likely what he gets the cheapest at a given time of purchase. Known capacities used are 2300 mAH, 2400 mAH and 2500 mAH across different brands of battery used. I don't see why larger capacities could not be used but I'm no expert on these things by all means.

As to voiding the warranty by opening it up and changing the batteries, that would be an interesting situation to watch. I don't know how things work in the US but here such a claim by Ring would be laughed out of the room by the consumer law authorities. "What, you can't change the batteries in your consumer device without sending it back?!!!"

- Tim

William Brillinger

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2020, 09:04:18 PM »
I just sent an HC-2 in for battery replacement. It was throwing a charging error: "Volts Too High" whenever it was plugged in for charging.
I'll open it up when it comes back and get some photos of the current offering.
- Bill Brillinger, RPUG Admin

Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, owner of Precision Design Co., and RailPro Dealer.


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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2020, 10:02:51 PM »
It looks like I spoke too soon. One HC-2 will only turn on for 2 seconds and then powers off. These are both older units so I'm going to just order new batteries.

I did successfully install Windows 10 in Bootcamp along with RPA. I only had to call Apple Support once. One HC-2 is now current with 2.09
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2021, 06:42:22 PM »
Yes, 4 AA rechargeable.  There's a picture floating around here somewhere on this site of the inside of the controller.

Slight correction, 3 x AA batteries, not 4.

Funnily enough I was looking at those threads the other day (my HC-2 soon needs new batteries, they are 6 years or so years old and I won't be sending it back for the change out).

There was two threads about this. First thread (,24.0.html) had pictures and some battery size discussion. Unfortunately the pictures of the battery compartment side of the circuit board were external links which the pics are now dead links. Second thread (,170.0.html) no pics but more battery discussion.

The take from the threads is that Ring uses a variety of battery capacities, most likely what he gets the cheapest at a given time of purchase. Known capacities used are 2300 mAH, 2400 mAH and 2500 mAH across different brands of battery used. I don't see why larger capacities could not be used but I'm no expert on these things by all means.

As to voiding the warranty by opening it up and changing the batteries, that would be an interesting situation to watch. I don't know how things work in the US but here such a claim by Ring would be laughed out of the room by the consumer law authorities. "What, you can't change the batteries in your consumer device without sending it back?!!!"

- Tim

I changed the batteries on one of my HC-2's today. The batteries removed were Rayovac 2400 mAh
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2021, 08:19:33 PM »
I changed the batteries on one of my HC-2's today. The batteries removed were Rayovac 2400 mAh

Annnnnnd how did it go? The HC kept all it's info during the changeover? The HC charged successfully with the new batteries in? No other problems to report from the changeover? You replaced like for like or the new batteries were a larger capacity (largest we've seen so far from Ring was 2500 mAH, we've always wondered if the HC could actually use larger capacity batteries such as 2850 mAH)?

Do tell us how it went.

- Tim


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Re: HC-2 and HC-2b revision 2.09 released
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2021, 08:38:00 PM »
I changed the batteries on one of my HC-2's today. The batteries removed were Rayovac 2400 mAh

Annnnnnd how did it go? The HC kept all it's info during the changeover? The HC charged successfully with the new batteries in? No other problems to report from the changeover? You replaced like for like or the new batteries were a larger capacity (largest we've seen so far from Ring was 2500 mAH, we've always wondered if the HC could actually use larger capacity batteries such as 2850 mAH)?

Do tell us how it went.

- Tim

Sorry, I guess I was a little light on details.

I removed 2400 mAh batteries with 2400 mAh batteries. It powered up as soon as I put the new batteries in and showed approximately 20% power. I plugged it into charge and it charged to full capacity in short order. Off the charger it's performing like new again. No locomotives were lost in the change over.
Jacob Damron
Modeling late 1950's Dallas Union Terminal in Free-mo+ modules

Texas Railway Modeling and Historical Society