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Finished RailPro Installation Examples / Re: Athearn U50 Install
« Last post by Espeelark on Today at 09:40:03 PM »
Don't you be calling me a "Pro"!  :D
I've only done 4 installs to this point! I've still gots LOTS to learn!

I'm sure it will turn out just fine!
Oh, and thanks for the comment about the sound volume being better after you disconnected one of the two speakers. I plan to do the same the next time I pop the shell off.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: HC3 stopped working
« Last post by Mrpicks on Today at 08:14:12 PM »
Thank Al, I’ll give it a try.                       Dave
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: HC3 stopped working
« Last post by nodcc4me on Today at 08:11:13 PM »
I would leave it on and let the battery fully discharge Then see if it works. If not, it probably has to go back to Ring for repair. It has a one year warranty.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / HC3 stopped working
« Last post by Mrpicks on Today at 07:34:46 PM »
I have a HC3 that just stopped working. Wanted to delete a file and wham bam thank you ma’am it locked up. Thought I could just use the reset and I pressed the button and now the screen is white with a blue band that says Start, below that is more white screen and two horizontal bars. I need help big time, electronics is not my thing. Also none of the buttons do anything when you press them.      Dave
I am planning on doing keep alives’, most likely the Railpro one.  I’m also leaning toward utilizing speakers and enclosures from Scale Sound Systems. I guess a new question or possibility is using the new 21 pin LM3s because they are a bit smaller footprint, even though I only need lights for front and back lights, possibly cab and possibly numberboard lights tho I haven even powered any of these locos to see if numberboards are clear or lightable.  Here is a list of most be utilized.

Athearn Genesis: 4-GP18’s,  5-GP-38-2’s,  2 GP-9’s,  1-GP39,  1- Mikado 2-8-2
Atlas Silver: 2-GP-40’s high nose,  2-Alco C420’s high nose,  Atlas Red box: 2- C30-7’s
Atlas/ Kato Yellow box:RS3
Front Range: 2GP9’s
I've done 8 pin, 9 pin, 21 - 9 pin and hard wire installs. I think it all comes down to what you have for space and what you are also including (speaker, Keep-Alive, etc.). Case in point, I've done 5 Rapido SW1200RS installs and for each one I had to toss the board.

While there is room length and width-wise in a Rapido SW1200RS for a LM-3S module (once you un-solder the inductors on the board), due to the angled roof top of an EMD SW, there isn't enough room height-wise for it to sit on top of the board. Hard-wiring also eliminated the extra wires on the 21-9 pin adapter. No idea if the new 21 pin module would make a difference in this install, but there's hope.

For a Bowser SD40-2, you need to sacrifice the space allocated to the speaker enclosure for a normal LM-3S and put a small sugar-cube style speaker under the stack. I suspect the new 21-pin module will drop right in and you can put a bigger speaker in the rear.
So I’ve been a lurker member for quite a few years a still don’t have a layout back up but have all the locos, cars and buildings stacked up in the 100’s.  I’m still positively going Railpro as it’s seems to be far superior to the DCC system, except for a bit of lacking in sound file choices potentially.

Question is as I have a dozen Athearn Genesis with 21pin and 9 pin plugs, 6 Atlas Silver series with 8 pin plugs, should I use an adapter plug to wire LM3s into the existing 9 and 8 pin motherboards or do an aftermarket motherboard like the Nix offerings if room, or just do a total hardwire without a motherboard for space savings?  The 4- 21 pin Athearns are seemingly obvious to plug into with the new 21 pin LM3s probably.  Obviously hardwired for a couple Front Range GP9’s.  Also none of my builds will have any beacons or ditch lights, too early.   So my question is what you you all think I should do for the 8 pin Atlas, and the 9 pin Genesis?     Also I am very good at soldering and electrical work so that is not an issue.      Thank you  for any advice!
Finished RailPro Installation Examples / Re: Athearn U50 Install
« Last post by Mrpicks on Today at 01:19:27 PM »
Thanks Epeelark, that’s kinda what was kinda what I thought but wasn’t sure. I’m such a super noob at these installs that I wanted to get the correct info from a Pro.  Dave
Finished RailPro Installation Examples / Re: Athearn U50 Install
« Last post by Mrpicks on Today at 01:14:08 PM »
Thanks Espeelark, that’s kinda what I thought but being a super noob at these installs I thought I would ask for the words of experience.       Dave
Finished RailPro Installation Examples / Re: Athearn U50 Install
« Last post by Espeelark on Today at 11:09:11 AM »
Mrpicks - I didn't install a flashing safety light but you should be able to hook it up to one of the green or purple wires normally used for lighting functions.
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