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RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Where to buy RailPro
« Last post by donsweet on Today at 10:06:49 AM »
Hi Bill, thanks for updating the list. You can add me for HO products. I now stock the HC-3  and LM-3S, LM-3 and LM-3S-21. I have a team for HO conversions to battery and track power using RailPro modules .

RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by donsweet on Today at 10:02:49 AM »
Hi Guys, yes I have blow up those hall effect sensors. I have a Mikado today being converted and just went with auto chuff.

I would like to test the LGB chuff sensor to hear how it works. Anybody that has the three wire directions please pass along.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by algae on March 18, 2025, 03:08:50 PM »
Funny thing, I didn't know when I started that there's an auto-chuff feature and I don't actually need the chuff wire.  It works just fine.  I got the Mikado running on the bench without chuff wired in and the sound works just fine.

I'll drop you all my wiring notes when I'm done with the conversion just so the next person doesn't have to go through all the drama.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by gregeusa on March 18, 2025, 10:40:39 AM »
Great... I am also on most days.

Let us know how you get along, I could perhaps post your solution on my site... (help others in the future)...

RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by algae on March 17, 2025, 04:48:08 PM »
Thanks - I tracked Dan back to Trainli and called them, and the people there had a pinout for an earlier board, and between that and some mutual head-scratching I think we have it figured out.  Appreciate the pointer.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by gregeusa on March 17, 2025, 02:50:04 PM »
looks like you may have posted your question on LargeScaleCentral... and no responses...

Not a lot of LGB experts there...

Try reading this thread:

Dan Pierce is very experienced on LGB, try messaging him  (he posted on that thread)

some more info here:

Or, contact a dealer as I recommented... "All about trains" is an LGB dealer, as well as "Train Li"...


RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Sparks When Entering a Reverse Section?
« Last post by gregeusa on March 16, 2025, 08:44:43 PM »
A, no
B, probably not

Autoreversers that do not use a sensor or sensor track will detect the momentary short.

There has been endless debates on this. My 10 year old locos with 20 amps on the track and pulling about 5 amp have no noticeable issues on the tread surface.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by gregeusa on March 16, 2025, 08:42:39 PM »
Contact one of the LGB dealers and you might get a schematic.  If hall effect it is power, ground, and "signal"

Yes, hook it up wrong and you usually kill it.

RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by algae on March 16, 2025, 02:57:07 PM »
Here's the board.
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RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Chuff wiring on an LGB Mikado
« Last post by algae on March 16, 2025, 11:47:46 AM »
It could be a Hall effect switch - there are two three-wire plugs coming off the motor block.  If it is, how can I tell which of the wires is positive, negative, ground?  And will I blow it up if I wire it wrong?

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