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RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Steam Cuff Rate
« Last post by nodcc4me on March 02, 2025, 02:31:43 PM »
I believe the standard is 4 chuffs for each full rotation of the drivers. You may have to set each locomotive differently depending upon the diameter of the wheels.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Steam Cuff Rate
« Last post by Mrpicks on March 02, 2025, 01:25:59 PM »
Is there a Tutorial on setting the chuff rate on Steam Locomotives?
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: LM-3S-G vs LM-4S-G
« Last post by JRad on March 02, 2025, 10:10:31 AM »
Check out this thread:,1305.msg9826.html#msg9826

Basically designed for higher voltage.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / LM-3S-G vs LM-4S-G
« Last post by Keith ‘KD Rail’ Stratton on March 01, 2025, 09:58:14 PM »
What is the difference between these two boards?
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Lights causing LM-3S to overheat?
« Last post by gregeusa on February 26, 2025, 10:42:02 AM »
Sure seems like LEDs the most straightforward option.

small lights can draw a lot of current, and using Ohms law V=IR, for a given wattage of bulb, and the voltage goes down, the current goes up.

So, unless the "common" voltage is pretty low, you could have some current in the lamps, almost equaling the motor!

No one offered what the "common" for lights is, but I would guess it is rectified track/input voltage, about the worst case situation for 1.5 v bulbs.


Update: I cannot find a "manual", but the 2 page "instruction sheet" shows and implies that the common for lights is rectified track power, so 1.5 volt incandescent lamps should really not be connected without a resistor, even though that is a poor way to limit current in this case.

The Dimming feature uses PWM to reduce the AVERAGE current, but full voltage "spikes" would be applied to the 1.5 volt bulbs, and that could indeed cause overheating. Just reducing the "brightness" may still overload the system.

In absence of any specs on max current per output, and max total lighting current, one can only guess, or see if you get overheating, as you are experiencing.

put in the LEDs with appropriate dropping resistors my best recommendation..
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Lights causing LM-3S to overheat?
« Last post by CPRail on February 25, 2025, 06:06:38 PM »
Howdy! Finally had time to crack open the SD45T-2 on the weekend. Attached is a picture of the board -  no cross over between the blue and white wire as asked by Tim.

I checked the output on the gyralite connections - it wavers up and down, peaking at 1.13 volts and down to about 0.15 volts as it cycles. The headlights sit at 1.27 volts.

I put it on a rolling road and ran it at about 30% throttle with sound and lights on for about 30-45 minutes, with the shell off. It rose in temp, but sat in the operating zone. For comparison purposes, I also ran a Genesis GP9 with the lights turned on on both ends, beacon on and sound on at the same time - but shell on. The bulbs are not at full intensity as Greg was wondering.

Is this just a LM that doesn't like being in the confines of a hood unit and should be relegated to a carbody unit so it can breathe? It's location is right above the motor, but it is under the open dynamic brake fans, so there is venting but not all around.

Or do I just bite the bullet, pull the bulbs and put in LEDs?
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: RPA Virtual HC
« Last post by Mrpicks on February 23, 2025, 06:07:35 PM »
Thank you Greg, I appreciate your assistance. Tim also has been a great help in showing me how these systems work.         Dave
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: RPA Virtual HC
« Last post by gregeusa on February 23, 2025, 01:30:15 PM »
a common thing that is often misunderstood...

"run as administrator" is NOT the same as running a program while logged in as a local admin (either the actual "administrator" login or a login with administrative privs)...

Here's definitive proof of what I said from Microsoft:

RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Installing a “Keep Alive” or similar circuit
« Last post by ON28 on February 21, 2025, 09:53:22 PM »
A bridge rectifier is needed to install a TCS keep-alive with the LM2. I posted about my install here with a Front Range geep, and someone else posted details of the circuit. It's not difficult. In '22 Ring told me the adaptor board is not available.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: RPA Virtual HC
« Last post by G8B4Life on February 20, 2025, 05:54:09 PM »
Did you run the HC Simulator installer as administrator? Right click on the installer and select "Run as Administrator". The installer needs administrator privileges to create directories in Windows.

You should have had to do this when installing RPA as well.

- Tim

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