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RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Any intrest in these Custom Whistle files?
« Last post by KPack on January 02, 2025, 10:05:02 PM »
They sound great, I would definitely post them.  No reason not to.  Someone will be happy to use them.

RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Any intrest in these Custom Whistle files?
« Last post by G8B4Life on January 02, 2025, 05:59:30 PM »
I moved your post to give your question more exposure. I moved your post as there was no files to download, your post was a question. I'm not a mind reader, I did not know your intention.

- Tim
just to clarify my post:  i used the Dremel (with the drum sander head) inside the plastic shell to make room for the module (removed about 1mm of plastic from both sides of the inside of the shell).  for removing the metal from the chassis, i used my band saw.  if you don't have a band saw, perhaps a friend has one.

good luck--give it a try!

RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Any intrest in these Custom Whistle files?
« Last post by JRad on January 02, 2025, 09:54:08 AM »
I posted this in the files section as I was planning to upload the files to this thread if there is interest. Oh well. I probably won't be bothering anyway.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Error Calibrating Motor Zero Current
« Last post by Coupe633 on January 01, 2025, 10:50:26 PM »
Been installing a lot during the holidays and got an LM-3s installed in a Proto 2000 GP-7, sound works, front and rear lights work but the locomotive does not move forwards or backwards. I wanted first to determine if it was actually the locomotive so I disconnected my PWR-56 from the 24" piece of test track I have. I then removed the LM-3s from the 9 pin and 6 pin harness and brought out a regular DC transformer. Turned it on and set it at about 50% speed and touched the two wires to where the orange and grey harness wires connect to the motor and the locomotive moved. So I know it is not the motor but needed to see if there was a problem with the wiring harness. All my solder splices are sound and I have shrink tube over all splices. I inserted the two wires from the DC transformer to the 9 pin where it connects to the LM-3s 3 in from each side where the orange and grey wires attach and the locomotive motor moved so I know that the wire harness is good too. This narrows it down to either something in the LM-3s that is not working properly or something in my motor control settings that are not allowing current to go to the motor. Any suggestions I might try? I have not done the speed test yet as I usually first connect up the wire harness to the locomotive with sound (brown wires), the power in and the motor connections then connect up the lighting wires. When I check the "Information" section I get "Error Calibrating Motor Zero Current".  When I touch this part of the screen it suggests returning the module to Ring for Repair.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Where to buy RailPro
« Last post by G8B4Life on January 01, 2025, 09:04:25 PM »
As I've mentioned elsewhere on this forum previously, Bill does not ship internationally anymore, so as much as I would like to support Bill, Bill is no longer an option.

- Tim
I pulled the cab off of my Bachmann 44-Ton and quickly determined that there was no way I could get an LM-3 in there but then I found your post here and have to say this is some determination. I have several locomotives that I have had to scratch off my list of converting to RailPro but this is worth a look. I had been considering just leaving it alone as it came installed with DCC and thought I could buy an inexpensive DCC system for this 44-ton and several other locomotives I don't think I can add the LM-3 to (Atlas Yellow box S-2 Switchers) since they are going to be fairly restricted to yard duties they would run on the same track power but just have a DCC controller for these difficult locomotives. Not sure I want to do some grinding with my dremel like this but I have done this to a few so far. I guess where there is a will there is a way. Glad it worked for you and it caused me to take another look at the 44-Ton switcher.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Where to buy RailPro
« Last post by darryl.trains on December 31, 2024, 11:09:39 PM »
I have been  working with Bill for a long time and I think he has aided the hobby, for one, this website. I suppose there are other fine dealers out there but I am most satified so I recommend him for your needs. HAPPY TRAINING ALL.
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Where to buy RailPro
« Last post by G8B4Life on December 29, 2024, 02:36:48 AM »
Hmmm, and I came across that one during my search, yet I failed to put it it. Fixed.

- Tim
RailPro Specific Help & Discussion / Re: Where to buy RailPro
« Last post by Smoke on December 29, 2024, 02:22:29 AM »
From FB, RLD Hobbies is another:
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